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The Working Families Party is getting out the vote for a slate of transformational candidates in communities across the country in 2024.



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The Working Families Party is a grassroots, multiracial party of working people coming together across our differences to make our nation work for the many, not the few. We’re electing the next generation of transformational leaders and building durable, independent progressive power in communities across the country. But we can only do this together. 老王APP

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We are proud to launch the WFP Justice Fund — a new, grassroots collaboration between the Working Families Party and the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement For Black Lives
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The events of the past few weeks have cemented our belief that bold, transformative change must start from the bottom up: whether that's at protests in the streets or turning out for movement candidates at the polls.
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On May 31, 2024, WFP National Director Maurice Mitchell addressed the Working Families Party Assembly reacting to the recent wave of police and white supremacist violence.
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